Glenora Civics
The role of the Glenora Civics Committee is to update the community with relevant information on developments, bylaws and urban planning in the Glenora neighbourhood.
This page will post updates and links for more information on issues that may have an effect on the structure and future of our neighbourhood.
To speak to a member of the committee with any questions, concerns or to join our next meeting, please email civics@glenoracl.com
• Diverse types of housing that consider the existing homes adjacent to them.
• Ensuring new developments do not cause overload flooding by having sufficient permeable
material per lot.
• Implementing Metrics to Evidence Capacity within a Neighbourhood.
• Ensuring sunlight on neighbouring properties.
• Maintaining our Urban Tree Canopy.
The problems with these plans are not a Glenora problem, they are a city-wide problem. Since Spring 2023, we have been trying UNSUCCESSFULLY to work with City Councillors and City Administration to fix the gaps in these plans. We have spoken at Urban Planning Committee Meetings, Public Hearings, held Small Group Discussions with Councillors & City Administration, specifically asking that these gaps be addressed prior to approval. Our requests to amend the plans have been dismissed.
The Urban Planning Committee and City Administration have recently been very clear they are not interested in having these discussions with us because other neighbourhoods do not share our concerns.
This is not correct.
Edmonton has many unique neighbourhoods where creative neighbourhood specific planning is critical for successful densification and city growth. To this point the City of Edmonton is not interested in working on neighbourhood specific planning.
Effective January 1, 2024, the one size fits all Zoning Bylaw took effect and the Public Hearing on District Plans is scheduled for May 28, 2024. To date, there are no metrics in place to gage the success of increased density or affordable housing and yet that is the plan……or lack thereof.
Our review of the City Plan, District Plans and Zoning Bylaw has revealed serious concerns including but
not limited to; lack of neighbourhood specific planning, consideration of existing infrastructure load,
environmental impact, traffic impacts, protection for properties during infill construction and heritage.
***Also deeply concerning, is the recent decision by Urban Planning Committee to approve further work
Up until February 2024, it has always been presented by council and city administration that this change would be slowand developer driven, however; the city has decided to move forward on this themselves.
More information on this piece to follow.
To Read- Glenora Newsletter- Changes Coming to Glenora.
Share this information within your networks.
Email Council & City Administration; advise them you are not supportive of the current plan, ask for
neighbourhood specific planning, ask for a Heritage Corridor to be created along Stony Plain Road, ask
for a pause in density in our neighbourhood due to construction fatigue until the Valley Line LTR project
has been completed, ask for Glenora to be moved out of the Central District and placed in a District with
similar neighbourhoods - Jasper Place District would be a natural fit.
Contact Info:
Glenora's Councillor:
Andrew Knack: Andrew.knack@edmonton.ca
Urban Planning Committee Members
Anne Stevenson (Chair) anne.stevenson@edmonton.ca
Keren Tang (Vice Chair) keren.tang@edmonton.ca
Tim Cartmell (Member) tim.cartmell@edmonton.ca
Erin Rutherford (Member) erin.rutherford@edmonton.ca
City of Edmonton District Planning Group
Register to Speak at the Public Hearing May 28, 2024
Interact with Council | City of Edmonton
Register to Speak at the Urban Planning Committee Meetings: Upcoming Dates are:
May 2, 2024
Interact with Council | City of Edmonton
Our group spoke at the February 27th Urban Planning Committee and raised our deep concerns about
continued work on Automatic Up-zoning on Primary Corridors. We are strategizing on next steps.
The challenge continues to be, how can we work with a group that continues to move the goal post??
Again, the problems with these plans are not a Glenora problem, they are a city-wide problem.
If you are interested in helping out with the Community League please email Dennis or Lindsay
Lindsay Stirton – Civics Director
Dennis Coulthard – Civics Director

Priority Growth Area
On September 12 the Glenora Community League hosted a community meeting with City of Edmonton planners to review the work the City is currently doing on a City initiative known as "Priority Growth Areas" project. Over 100 people attended. The notes from the meeting were sent to City Council and Administration. Please see below for the meeting notes and letter to the council.
Edmonton District Plan
The Glenora Community League has taken a neutral stance on civics matters in our neighbourhood until recently. Development and city densification is important, however, we are concerned that densification for the sake of densification, without thoughtful planning will result in catastrophic impacts on the neighbourhood of Glenora.
Our Civics Committee Volunteers are working hard to share information to the community on the proposed District Plans through social media, our newsletter and many of the members of our board trying to raise awareness on this topic.
We have reached out with this letter to councillors on the urban planning committee Andrew Knack, Tim Cartmell, Anne Stevenson, Erin Rutherford and Keren Tang requesting to meet with the civics committee and discuss how Glenora can work with council and city administration for continued public engagement & collaboration past the December 1, 2023 deadline.
Members of the GCL will be speaking at the Urban Planning Committee next week.

LRT Valley Line West
As the LRT project continues, the most recent updates on road closures, construction and timelines will be posted here:
Infill Development
As our neighbourhood grows larger, we must be aware of how the interests of developers and the City of Edmonton impact our infrastructure.
Better Infill Edmonton is a group of concerned citizens who support balanced and sustainable infill redevelopment.